Author Archives: admin


You can search for content titles, tags, etc. within each listing. (From ver. 1.6) Search Method Select “Search” from the top right function menu of the list. Enter search words in the search box. You can perform an AND search by entering multiple words separated by spaces. Search target File Folder and Private FolderSearch contents and folders in the hierarchy below for each folder unit. “Photos”>DailySearches all referenced content and groups. Photos”>by group listSearches content within each group. Search Items Contents Title File name Tag Memo Creation date (search as YYYYYMMDDHHmmss characters) Group Folder name/li> Group memo

Touch The Video Plus ver1.5 released

The following is a guide to the changes in ver1.5.   GUI Improvement Swipe back from the left edge of the list view to return Swiping from the left edge of the list view was always a function to display the side menu, but has been changed to a function to go back through the hierarchy when in a subfolder. If you are in each root folder, the side menu is displayed as before.   Capture buttons and other buttons are disabled when controls are hidden The following buttons have been made non-operational when the controls are hidden because they are easily mistaken for the volume and capture buttons when … Continue reading

Touch The Video Plus ver1.4 released

The following is a guide to the changes in ver1.4. improvement   Supports video with chapters. For videos with chapters, you can jump to each chapter from the “Chapter” menu in the upper right menu of the player. If chapters in multiple languages are included, you can select the language under “Chapter” in “Playback Settings”. In addition, by selecting “Import chapter” from the marker list menu in marker mode, chapters can be imported as markers and used for repetition and other marker functions.   File duplication function. A “Duplicate” function has been added to the file operations menu. The “File Folder,” “Private Folder,” and “Photos” lists appear in the menu … Continue reading

Touch The Video Plus ver1.3 released

The following is a guide to the changes in ver1.3. improvement   Added off setting for detailed display of list view. You can select “None” in Setting > List View > Detail1/Detail2    Support for displaying titles in the control center. You can check titles and send songs on the lock screen, especially when playing in the background. The same control is also available from the “Now Playing” App on the AppleWatch.   Improved button size and response area on iPad. The button sizes placed above and below have been slightly expanded horizontally, and the downward reaction area has also been widened. The scrub area is slightly larger than before, … Continue reading

Touch The Video Plus ver1.2 released

The following is a guide to the changes in ver1.2. Improved touch operation of video viewer Until Ver. 1.1, operations, especially those at the bottom of the screen, often resulted in malfunctions that the user did not intend.We have also received feedback that it would be easier to use if the majority of touches in the center were play pauses as in the old TouchTheVideo. Based on the above, the following specifications have been improved.   Eliminate the center play pause button and expand the area of the scrub bar Previously, the center play pause button and the scrub bar, although adjacent, had separate functions. center play pause button : … Continue reading

Photo Viewer – Edit

Changed in Ver. 1.2. Edit mode “Edit” in the function menu switches to edit mode. The close button in the expansion area exits edit mode.   Edit Item Aspect Tap to select from [Original Aspect],[16:9],[3:2],[4:3],[1:1],[4:5],[3:4],[2:3],[9:16],[Custom]. Resolution Tap to select a typical resolution based on the original resolution and aspect. If the original aspect is a special aspect, or if [Custom] is selected in the aspect settings , you can choose from [Original Resolution],[75%],[50%],[25%],[Custom Resolution]. If [Custom Resolution] is selected, a resolution input dialog box will appear. Enter a resolution such as “1024×576”. Media Type Photo and video can be selected. When you select a video, you can choose a duration … Continue reading

Photo data to external copy

Customize how the “Photos” data is copied and backed up to file folders and private folders by selecting the settings and menu options at runtime.   Preliminary settings are made in “Setting” > “Place” / “Photos” settings” > “External Copy”.   File name Select the name of the file to be copied. The following selections are available. From date/time taken Save the file with the file name “YYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_mmm” based on the shooting date and time. From file name When you take a picture with an iPhone or other device, the file name “IMG_xxxx”, which is automatically added, is saved as it is. From title Save the title changed in TouchTheVideo … Continue reading

About Related Folder

TouchTheVideo Plus uses a method of storing information related to the contents of file holders and private folders in the “Related Folder”. The fact that related information is stored in this folder facilitates backups and restorations that include related information. Folder name The file name of the main content is “ABC000.MOV” with the last period changed to an underline “ABC000_MOV” is the name of the associated folder. TouchTheVideo Plus detects the relationship between both in the same folder and recognizes them as related folders. TouchTheVideo Plus handles related folders as follows Related folders are not displayed as folders. File operations such as copying, moving, and deleting are performed in conjunction … Continue reading

Metadata modification

Metadata modification allows you to modify the creation date and time, location and other information. Creation Date Tap the “Creation Date” button and three options will appear. No Change Save the file with the original creation date and time. Change by offset When selected, an input dialog box appears. Correct by adding the offset time from the original creation date and time. The input is the offset time; for 1 hour and 30 minutes, it is 1.5.   This input field contains default values. This number indicates the difference from UTC time. When importing video from some cameras, the OS recognition may shift the UTC time difference. Time correction for … Continue reading

Edit – Speed Effect

When the speed effect is opened, the event list appears. Event Registration Seek with scrub bar or playback control to event location. Add an event with the “+” button. Change Parameters Time This is the start time of that event. The time of the first event is the start time. Tap the time item for each event, and the time display will change to “Set”. In this state, move the time with the scrub bar or other device, and tap “Set” to change and save the time. Pause Specify the stop time (in seconds) at that time. Tap the Pause item for each event to display the input panel. 0 … Continue reading