Private Mode – Protect your secret files on iPhone/iPad by password.

By using the “Private Mode”, you can safely keep your secret files on iPhone/iPad. Unlike many other apps whose password is only up to 4 characters, TTVideo can allow you to set the password up to 16 characters to secure your important videos. Requirement iOS 5 or later TouchTheVideo ver1.5 or later Only the contents in “iTunes File Sharing” have a setting to be kept secret as “private file”. Usage Copy desired files into “iTunes File Sharing” first. Please refer to here to know how to copy.[iTunes File Sharing] Turn the Private Mode on. You will see the screen to explain “Private Mode” and “Important caution for password”. Then the … Continue reading

Showing only “favorite” files – you can show only your necessary files on presentation.

Haven’t you faced a situation when your usually watching contents were all exposed to an audience in your presentation? Using the Touch The Video, you can control what you would like to show/hide and can temporarily show only favorite files. Requirement TouchTheVideo ver1.5 or later All the contents in Touch The Video have an setting to be “favorite”files. Usage You can set “favorite” attribute ON for each file at the “Video Info”. When you would like to show only “favorite” files, turn on the”Only favorite files” setting at the “Content display control” on the Setting tab.